Tulsa police responded about 6:00 p.m. Thursday, February 22, 2018 to the Forest Acres Liquor Store, 1275 South Memorial Drive just after 6:00 p.m. Thursday February 22, 2018 to a report of an armed robbery with shots fired, and the suspect shot multiple times.
The owner of Forest Acres Liquor Store near 12th and Memorial in Tulsa, Oklahoma released surveillance video showing a violent shootout with an armed robber.
Surveillance video shows the suspect behind the counter grabbing money, He then walks out of the camera’s view — apparently toward the exit. The owner and her daughter both grab their guns hidden under the counter, very close to the location where the offender had been grabbing money from the cash register drawer.
While the owner and daughter are crouched down behind the counter, the suspect returns. The owner opens fire toward the offender. The offender backs off, and a second shot is fired at the offender. A third shot is fired at the offender with about two or three second elapsed between each shot.
The offender returns again, and a fourth shot is fired at the offender. It appears that he is definitely hit — possibly in the abdomen. He staggers deeper into the store, still standing. He appears to try to negotiate or manipulate the owner verbally while heading toward the exit, but then approaches the owner — deeper in the store again. As he walks past the store counter, the armed daughter fails to shoot him from the side; and the owner fails to shoot him from the front. As the offender approached, the owner appeared to have gestured the offender to leave the store, instead of shooting him. The offender lunges toward the owner, then wrestles with the owner. While the offender is wrestling with the owner, the daughter shoots the offender in the back. The owner is at risk of being hit by crossfire, but is not hit.
With multiple gunshot wounds, the offender is able to wrestle the handgun away from the owner, and strikes the owner in the head with the handgun. As the offender heads for the exit, the daughter points her handgun at the offender, and the offender points the mother’s handgun at the daughter. The daughter shoots first, and it’s hard to determine whether the the daughter’s shot hits, grazes or misses the offender. The offender returns fire and definitely misses the daughter.
The offender now begins to seriously stagger and become disoriented — apparently from loss of blood pressure due to blood loss.
The suspect fled the scene before officers arrived, but he later showed up at a hospital emergency room nearby, where he was admitted and listed in critical condition.
Police identified the suspect as Tyrone Lee and are investigating whether he’s connected to 10 other robberies in the area. Police say Lee walked into the Forest Acres Liquor Store Thursday evening with a shotgun, demanding money.
The owner suffered a laceration to the head, which required wound closure with suturing.
Forest Acres Liquor Store was open the next day.
Tyrone Lee, armed robbery suspect in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
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