3 Safety Tips for Teens and Young Adults

Young adulthood is an extremely complex time in a person’s life. You’re going through so many emotions and trying to figure out your place in the world. Some people don’t know how to handle these changes, so they make risky decisions. Be smart and follow these three safety tips for teens and young adults. Early adulthood is a confusing time, but it’s important to remember you can find your identity and still be safe.

Stay Away from Alcohol

Young adults are surrounded by alcohol. Popular culture reinforces the belief that drinking alcohol means you’re “cool.” Movies and television shows constantly depict young characters consuming alcohol much earlier than they should. However, teens and young adults must resist temptation and stay away from alcohol—underage drinking has severe consequences. You could also face serious legal ramifications, and early alcohol use may even stunt your brain development and lead to many other physical and mental side effects, including slurred speech and memory loss. Stay safe by waiting until you’re 21 to have your first drink—and drink responsibly when that time comes.

Be Safe Online

You’d have a hard time finding a young adult who isn’t constantly on the Internet. A global platform that connects people from all walks of life, the Internet is such a big part of a young person’s life. However, there’s also a dark side to the Internet. A vital safety tip for teens and young adults is to be safe online. Set all your profiles to private so that strangers can’t contact you or use your pictures for their own purposes. Only talk to people you know: lots of people use the Internet as a mask to disguise who they really are. Don’t accept friend requests from strangers, and keep your circle small. You don’t want to end up in a dangerous situation. Finally, take measures to protect yourself financially. Never put your credit card information into a website you’re unfamiliar with. Many online scammers try to manipulate and take advantage of young people.

Drive Carefully

Young adults don’t have the best reputations when it comes to driving. Lots of people assume they’ll be distracted by their phones or fellow passengers. Do your best to shatter this stereotype by keeping your phone away from you at all times. If you receive a text message or a phone call while you’re driving, park first in a safe spot, and then answer the call after you’ve parked. Keep your focus on the road ahead and the horizon from left to right. If you think your friends will be too much of a distraction, limit the number of passengers you allow in your car at one time. Also, follow local laws that might limit limit passengers for certain age groups. Finally, try not to blast the radio, so you can hear sirens or horns sounded by other drivers.

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